Nunu naturally fits in the jungle with his strong objective control and high map mobility - these changes should add more depth within that role. Above all, we want Consume to be a cool spell -Consume has traditionally languished in late game for everything besides objective control, so making it an attractive spell with these changes adds more depth and rank-up incentive.
Damage increased to 600/700/800/900/1000 from 500/600/700/800/900
Healing reduced to 90/130/170/210/250 from 125/180/235/290/345
Healing ratio reduced to 0.75 from 1.0
Consume now grants bonuses for 120/150/180/210/240 seconds based on the type of monster consume was used on:
Golem-type monsters grant 10% increased size and maximum Health
Lizard-type monsters grant Nunu's attacks and spells additional magic damage equal to 1% of Nunu's maximum Health
Wraith or Wolf-type monsters grant 15% movement speed for 3 seconds after Nunu kills a unit
Gonna go Nunu Jungle a bit, will post a bit about that :)
I have been doing a lot of jungling lately, and I have come to find that it is extremely fun!
If there is a jungler, top lane and mid lane will be higher levels than 3 of the enemy's teammates, AND will be able to rely on me to secure kills!
Flaws would be a solo vs duo lane...
so many quit because of that, resulting in our loss.
This is an awesome rabbit by the way.
CURRENT JUNGLE CHAMPIONS THAT I USE: Trundle Warwick Nunu Trundle is my favorite, he has really good clear time, and has good ganking potential. Warwick... I'm still learning about him because he's kind of weak in terms of ganking potential, because he has no slows or stuns and whatnot. Only a lifesteal move, an attack speed boost, a means to find weak champions, and the ONLY skill that is useful in a teamfight is his Ultimate. Yep. Nunu Jungle is a good one. That ultimate is super overpowered hahaha. Not really. People can run away from it easily so its balanced really good.
Well, there are my current 3 junglers.
Planning on getting Hecarim, but before that, I need to get AATROX!
here is the video if you don't want to click links and stuff.
All I can say is: WHAT THE FU--------
Because its extremely hard to roll your face on the keyboard. By the way, Level status for my AIP account: Dengarze is now level 14! Join our raidcall! ID: 6080052
He seems to be a top lane AD bruiser, kinda like Darius or Urgot (hehe)
his skills cost health, which is like Mundo, Vladimir, Zac, and others.
quote from the page:
The sustain from Blood Thirst keeps Aatrox’s health topped off, allowing him to farm throughout the laning phase. Aatrox excels as a duelist, able to switch to Blood Price for heavy burst damage when trading with his lane opponent. After the exchange, Aatrox can toggle back to Blood Thirst to top off his health. When he’s ready to finish the job, Massacre adds significantly to an already potent burst combo.
If the lane isn’t going Aatrox’s way, the knock-up effect from Dark Flight can be used to set up ganks for his jungler. Or, if Aatrox has bullied his enemy out of lane, he can push aggressively, safe in the knowledge that the disengage from Dark Flight and Blades of Torment’s slow will aid his escape when enemies come charging. Even when things go totally wrong, Blood Well offers a second chance to secure kills or make a quick exit.
Team fights
Aatrox’s mobility gives him an innate ability to pressure enemy carries in team fights. Blood Thirst grants Aatrox plenty of sustain as he tangos with enemy initiators and tanks. When he sees an opportunity to reach an enemy carry, Dark Flight closes the gap and allows the punishment to begin. When Aatrox is in deep, the area of effect burst and extra range from Massacre, and slow on Blades of Torment prevent high-value targets from escaping. All the while the consistent healing from Blood Thirst and resurrection effect from Blood Well keep him alive long enough to cut through enemy squishies. If Aatrox’s team is on the defensive, a well-aimed Blades of Torment can slow multiple enemies and open a window for retreating allies to slip away. Alternately, he can kite enemies with Dark Flight, and create an opportunity for the remainder of his team to turn and counter-initiate. If Aatrox is focused, Blood Thirst’s sustain and the Blood Well keep him in the fight, giving his teammates an opportunity to cut through foes as he resurrects and delivers the killing blow.
Blood Well (Passive)
Aatrox stores a portion of his abilities’ health cost in the Blood Well, which slowly drains to a base amount while he is out of combat. When Aatrox loses all of his health, he draws on the Blood Well and recovers the amount of health stored.
Dark Flight
Aatrox rises into the air and slams into a target location. Enemies within the impact zone are knocked up and take damage, while nearby enemies take damage.
Blood Thirst
Aatrox heals himself on every third attack. Activating Blood Thirst toggles Blood Price.
Blood Price: Every third attack now deals bonus damage instead of healing Aatrox. Aatrox loses health based on the bonus damage dealt.
Blades of Torment
Aatrox fires a line attack that damages and slows enemies caught in its path. Aatrox is refunded a part of the health cost if Blades of Torment strikes an enemy champion.
Upon activation, Aatrox instantly damages enemies in an area around him. For the duration of Massacre, Aatrox gains bonus attack speed and range. Massacre has no health cost.
So I bought Urgot a while ago, and I was somehow always getting him. I wanted to trade him with someone else but NOBODY ELSE HAS HIM.
He is really fun and bullies the enemy really badly, and his ultimate is the BEST thing in a teamfight.
Back on topic.
While on ARAMS, my E was hitting a bunch of people, and I simply kept launching my Q at them over and over, and later on I realized that the game was calling me "LEGENDARY". The call scared me to the point that I accidentally got greedy and died. ( karma)
My ultimate killed so many people (indirectly)
I teleported the enemy right into my other 4 teammates and they just annihilated him. I had my W to escape :)